Renowned actors speak to Rudaw at Berlin film festival opening

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) kicked off on Thursday, with several renowned actors sharing their experience at the event with the Rudaw.

The Berlinale, Europe’s first major film festival of the year, lasts ten days, during which around 200 films of all genres are screened. A Rudaw team will be covering the cultural event on the ground. 

“The Berlinale is a unique place of artistic exploration and entertainment. It is one of the largest public film festivals in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe each year. For the film industry and the media, the eleven days in February are also one of the most important events in the annual calendar and an indispensable trading forum,” says the festival on its website. 

Claudia Roth, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media of Germany, told Rudaw’s Payam Sarbast on Thursday that “We are living in difficult times... The role of culture is more important than ever. Culture is the sound of our democracy. Therefore, this festival is very important.” 


Matt Damon, an American actor and film producer, also shared his excitement with Rudaw. 

“I love it here. I have been here so many times. It is like a second home. ... I love Berlin. I lived here for a long time 20 years ago,” he said. 


Lars Eidinger, a German actor, echoed similar positive feelings. “I am very excited and curious. Actually I am here to watch a lot of movies…this is what I am aiming for - watching movies,” he noted. 


Welket Bungue, a Berlin-based actor, expressed his high expectations for the festival. "We have good expectations about this year's edition. There is a very important event that is taking place... I am part of the panel,” he told Rudaw.

“I think it is very positive that a festival like Berlin exists so that everyone can bring their projects and discuss the contents,” added the actor. 




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