
Rudaw English accepts submissions for incisive analysis, original features, and fresh opinions that advance public discourse & understanding of the Middle East.

Please submit a pitch of 150 words or less, clearly stating a clear angle of argument or analysis of a current, ongoing or evergreen topic of relevance to our readers. Please familiarize yourself with our website, the subjects we cover, and what has already been published on the topic. Successful submissions will demonstrate the writer’s ability to accurately and authoritatively convey a newsworthy story. Simultaneous submissions must be noted in your email. If your pitch is accepted, your article will be exclusive to Rudaw, meaning it cannot be published in full elsewhere.

We do not accept submissions that have already been published elsewhere. Fully-written submissions will not be considered.

Articles published in the Opinions and Analysis sections must adhere to journalistic principles. Bold perspectives of all political leanings are welcomed – however, polemic is not. All submissions will undergo a fact-checking process and may be rejected on the basis of making unattributed or unverifiable claims.

Articles published in the Features section must contain original reporting that adheres to the highest of journalistic principles. It should be newsworthy, balanced, well-sourced, and in the public interest. Summarize in your pitch the data, witnesses, and experts you intend to include.

To submit to Rudaw English, send an email with the following:

– Include in the subject line [PITCH] followed by a cogent headline of seven words or less.
Summarize the article you are proposing in two paragraphs or less, indicating whether it is for the Analysis, Opinion, or Features section.
– Describe what information you have obtained or intend to gather upon commission, and how you bring a perspective is original and newsworthy.
– Send your pitch in the body of the email. Do not include attachments.
– Include a brief biography and links to samples of published writing.

If your pitch is accepted, you will be contacted within 2-3 days.