Two cyclists arrive in Erbil from France en route to Mecca

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - An Algerian and a Chinese cyclist arrived in the Kurdistan Region’s capital of Erbil on Sunday two months and a half after setting off from France, taking a pit stop on their way to Saudi Arabia’s Mecca for Hajj pilgrimage. 

The two friends live in France, and left the country for a long trip on March 1. They have had similar short intervals in Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. 

Algerian Ishaq Mnawar, 40, and Yu Zhanguo, 35, with the latter changing his first name to Yousif after converting to Islam, have previously been to 35 and 15 countries respectively. They say that they feel happy to be in Erbil for their first time in their lives.

Mnawar says his commitment to Islam attracted his Chinese friend to convert to the religion.

"He converted to Islam in 2016 because he saw my trip. We are working together. I left my job. So he was amazed why I was going to Mecca," he said.

Zhanguo said at first he was worried about going through Iraq and the Kurdistan Region due to security reasons.

"But I was surprised. I discovered the people are nice and lovely," he said.

The annual Hajj, a religious obligation for all Muslims who are financially and physically capable, draws millions of Muslims worldwide to gather in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims journey to sacred sites throughout the country, including the Kaaba in Mecca, which holds the status of being the holiest site in Islam.



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