Privacy Policy

Rudaw Media Network

You may submit personal information to Rudaw Media Network and its different webpages and social media platforms when subscribing to our news service, answering polls or leaving comments, this includes your name, IP address and personal email or residential address.

Through this process you’re authorizing Rudaw Media Network to collect, distribute and use your information according to our privacy policy.

On Rudaw Media Network you will find a platform to engage with the public such as discussions, commenting and reviewing of certain articles or online content and you must understand that any personal information or views shared on our site may be used by Rudaw’s various departments.

Rudaw tries to provide the latest news and information, relevant articles and videos of interest to its audience worldwide in a timely and objective manner which can be accessed through signing in or subscribing to our websites and in return we will do our best to make sure your personal private information and data remains secure.

Rudaw moderates all comments submitted on our website. We welcome comments which are relevant to the article and encourage further discussion about the issues that matter to you. We also welcome constructive criticism about Rudaw.

To be approved for publication, however, your comments must meet our community guidelines.

We will not tolerate the following: profanity, threats, personal attacks, vulgarity, abuse (such as sexism, racism, homophobia or xenophobia), or commercial or personal promotion.

Comments that do not meet our guidelines will be rejected. Comments are not edited – they are either approved or rejected.