Kurdish leaders condemn Moscow attack that killed over 100

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region leaders on Saturday condemned a deadly Islamic State (ISIS) attack on a concert hall in Moscow that left over 100 dead, extending their condolences as Russia arrested 11 people in connection with the attack. 

Gunmen in camouflage attacked the Crocus City Hall in northern Moscow’s Krasnogorsk suburb ahead of a rock concert, tossing a grenade and throwing flammable liquid. At least 115 people were killed, according to Russia’s Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes. 

“I condemn in strongest terms the barbaric attack against civilians in Moscow. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families and the people of Russia,” said Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on X. 

“Terrorism is a global threat and the international community must stay united to defeat it,” he stressed. 

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani also condemned the attack and said his thoughts are with the families of the victims. 

“We stand with the people and government of the Russian Federation in this difficult moment,” he said on X. 

Masoud Barzani, leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and former Kurdistan Region president, also condemned the attack.

ISIS claimed responsibility, saying its fighters attacked “a large gathering” on the outskirts of Moscow “before they withdrew to their bases safely.” 

Russia’s Investigative Committee said the death toll rose on Saturday afternoon to 115 and that a search is ongoing inside the building.

“At the site of the terrorist attack in the Crocus City concert hall, when emergency services cleared the rubble, more bodies were found. The death toll currently stands at 115 people,” the committee’s press service said, as cited by the state-run TASS agency. 

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it detained 11 people, including four suspected assailants, in connection with the attack and claimed the perpetrators had contacts in Ukraine. 

“After committing the terrorist attack, the criminals intended to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border and had appropriate contacts on the Ukrainian side,” TASS cited the FSB as saying. 

Ukraine, which has been under a Russian invasion for over two years, said it had “nothing to do” with the attack.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has yet to comment publicly.
Iraq also issued a condemnation, saying it stands with Russia and stressing the need to confront terrorism. 

The United States said it had passed to Russian authorities a prior warning about the possibility of terrorist attacks targeting “large gatherings” in Moscow.



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