Baghdad to supply power through Kurdish companies

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Iraqi Council of Ministers on Monday approved contracts signed between the electricity ministry and two Kurdish firms to provide power to different parts of the country during the summertime.

According to the contracts, Mass Group Holding is set to provide electricity to the northern parts of federal Iraq and the national power grid for the upcoming three months, whereas the contract with KAR Company will facilitate purchasing electricity from Turkey “under a reduced price formula.”

The need to supply continuous power services during the summertime was highlighted by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani during the meeting.

“He instructed the completion of emergency maintenance to add about 1,440 MW to the power grid and ordered the cancellation of all previous exemptions for industrial, commercial, and official centers, ensuring equal power supply for the next three months,” read the statement from his office.

Despite its large oil and gas reserves, Iraq suffers from chronic electricity shortages, especially felt when summer temperatures reach over 50 degrees Celsius.

Sudani has repeatedly described improving the country’s energy sector as one of the main priorities of his cabinet, stating on multiple occasions that Baghdad seeks to achieve self-sufficiency in gas and end the import of the natural resource within the next five years.

Iraq’s electrical grid has for years been dependent on gas imports from Iran to run its power generation plants. Iran exported 9.4 billion cubic meters of gas to Iraq in 2022.


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