ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The German consul general to Erbil said on Tuesday that they have been active in supporting both the federal and regional governments in facilitating the return of Yazidis to their hometowns.
“Germany thinks it is very important to create an environment where Yazidis can return to their original places with both dignity and safety. That's why we have been very active in supporting the local authorities, both in Iraq and in the [Kurdistan Region of Iraq] KRI, to create those conditions,” Albrecht Von Wittke told Rudaw.
He added that they have been “supporting projects to rebuild homes, improve sanitation, like water and sewage treatment,” and to "create the basic conditions that would allow people to return to [Shingal] Sinjar.”
Von Wittke further stated that there are other things needed that Germany cannot provide like safety, security, economic conditions, but they “feel it's very important to keep the [Yazidi] issue alive and to work together” with Baghdad and Erbil “to support the Yazidis’ return.”
When the Islamic State (ISIS) swept through the Yazidi heartland of Shingal in August 2014, the group killed an estimated 5,000 mainly men and older women, and abducted around 6,417 women and children, many of whom were forced into sex slavery and labor.
To date, 2,590 individuals are still missing, according to statistics provided earlier this month, by the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Kidnapped Yazidi Rescue Office.
Several Western countries have recognized the crimes of ISIS against Yazidis as genocide.
For their part, Kurdish leaders have consistently condemned ISIS crimes against Yazidi, urging justice and reparations for the victims. They have called for international recognition of the crimes as genocide and increased support for the Yazidi community.
The KRG has also been cooperating with the Iraqi federal government to return the Yazidis to their homes in Shingal.
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