Baghdad responds to criticism over US arms for Peshmerga

Karwan Faidhi Dri
Karwan Faidhi Dri @KarwanFaidhiDri
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Iraqi defense ministry on Thursday said that a recent delivery of American weapons to the Kurdistan Region’s Peshmerga forces had been approved by previous federal cabinets, responding to concerns raised by an influential Sunni politician.

The Peshmerga recently received a shipment of 105mm howitzers from the United States, fulfilling a contract that had been signed by a previous government, the ministry stated.

“Payments for the howitzers were made before the formation of the current government,” it said. 

Mohammed al-Halbousi, former speaker of the Iraqi parliament and a powerful Sunni politician, expressed concern about the new artillery for the Peshmerga in a social media post last week. 

“This unacceptable measure may be a reason for striking at national communal security in general and in the provinces of Nineveh and Kirkuk in particular if those weapons are misused, God forbid, in ethnic or partisan conflicts in the future,” he warned on X on Saturday. 

Nineveh and Kirkuk provinces include some multi-ethnic areas, control of which is disputed between the regional and federal governments. 

In August, the United States delivered a number of 105mm howitzers to the Peshmerga forces. The US consulate labeled it a “significant milestone” in building up the capacity of the Kurdish force. 

“This weaponry will enhance the Peshmerga Forces’ collective security capabilities to ensure the enduring Iraqi-led defeat of ISIS,” the consulate added, referring to the Islamic State (ISIS). 

The Peshmerga ministry said at the time that the artillery was “a significant step in building the Peshmerga Force. This type of weapon will strengthen the military capabilities of the Peshmerga forces to ensure public security and defeat ISIS once and for all.”

The Iraqi defense ministry also said that the howitzers arrived at Basra’s Umm Qasr port in November last year but were not released until the summer. It did not give a reason for the delay.

“The delivery of the howitzers was made based on a memorandum from the Chief of Staff of the Army to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, after taking all necessary measures,” the ministry stated.

The Peshmerga played a significant role in the fight against ISIS. The US-led global coalition has provided the Kurdish force with various types of weapons, but Kurds have criticized Baghdad for blocking the delivery of some military aid, including drones. 

The Iraqi defense ministry said the Peshmerga are “a national force whose loyalty to Iraq is unquestionable” and called on the media “not to fall prey to lies.”

The Peshmerga began as rebel guerilla forces fighting central Iraqi authority. They were named the official forces of the Kurdistan Region in the nineties and were recognized by Iraq a decade later. Despite efforts by Washington and several European countries, they remain a highly partisan force in organization and loyalty, split between the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and its rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

The fight against ISIS marked a historic turning point when the Peshmerga fought the terror group alongside their historic foe the Iraqi army.

Baghdad and Kurdish forces have since formed joint brigades and launched joint operations against ISIS to secure disputed areas which are claimed by the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

The Iraqi constitution recognizes federal autonomy like the Kurdistan Region and its right to provide security with regional forces like the Peshmerga as part of the national defense apparatus. 



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