Drone strike kills two in southeast Iran: State media

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A drone strike on Thursday night targeted a car in Iran’s southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan province killing two, Iranian state media reported.

Iranian state media (IRNA) reported that during a drone operation conducted by Iranian security forces, a “terrorist vehicle” was targeted in the Zahedan district of the Sistan and Baluchestan province.

“In this successful operation, two terrorists were killed,” IRNA reported, without stating which group the two were allegedly affiliated with.

Sistan and Baluchestan province, near the Pakistan border, is one of the only Sunni-majority provinces in Shiite-dominated Iran. A number of Baluchi armed groups operate in the area, primarily the Jaish al-Adl (Justice Army), a group that has waged an insurgency against the Islamic Republic.

Jaish al-Adl has carried out a number of suicide attacks on Iranian security forces, killing dozens in the border areas. The group was added to the United States’ list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in 2019 by the administration of former President Donald Trump. The designation came in response to a deadly attack on the IRGC that left 27 guards dead near Sistan and Baluchestan’s provincial capital of Zahedan.

The group attacked a police patrol in the Sib and Souran district on April 9, killing five police officers.

A week before that, Jaish al-Adl carried out one of their deadliest attacks in years, killing 16 members of Iranian security forces, including IRGC members, in Sistan and Baluchestan. 


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