Komala Party ready to support KDPI’s fight against Iranian army, leaders say

Tags: KDPI Shno Iranian Revolutionary Guards
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The Kurdish Komala Party of Iran has expressed support for the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran’s (KDP-I) recent confrontations with revolutionary guards.


Komala officials said they are ready to help the KDP-I Peshmerga if needed.


 “We are close to them (PDK-I). We will do whatever we can for them. We have always been on alert, and when something like this happens we must be more conscious.” said Abdullah Azarbar, head of Komala military council. “Regarding moving our forces, it’s close, too.”


“We have plans to support (PDK-I) Peshmerga militarily, and anything they need, no matter which party they belong to. We support this fight, and we ask people to help these Peshmerga.” said Reza Kabi, Deputy Secretary of Komala.


KDPI leaders believe that recent fight with the Iranian army reflects their close ties with their supporters in Iranian Kurdistan.


Muhammad Sahebi, KDP-I representative to Sulaimani said “The recent clash was because of the presence of our forces in surrounding areas of Shno.” 


Iranian Kurdish parties have resumed armed action against Iran as a way to achieve their rights.


Founded by a group of Kurdish university students in Tehran and Tabriz in 1967, Komala is a prominent Kurdish party fighting for Kurdish rights in Iran.


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