Roadside bombs defused at Komala camp in Kurdistan

Tags: Komala KDPI Iran roadside bombs
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A number of roadside bombs planted on the route of a major camp of an Iranian Kurdish party in Sulaimani were defused by local security forces, an official confirmed.

Dara Mustafa, a security official from Komala party, recounted to Rudaw that the bombs had been manufactured to resemble rocks, but bomb disposal teams “eventually defused one of the bombs.”

The others have not been defused yet, Mustafa added.

He said the party had prior knowledge that there were plots to “target us, especially the convoys of the leadership of Komala.”

“We later were able to discover the place where the bombs had been laid,” he added.

The bombs were planted along the route to Komala’s main camp in Rizgwezalla village on the outskirts of Mount Baranan in Sulaimani. Civilians and party members were gathered at the camp to attend the graduation of a new Peshmerga unit.

The party was also preparing to celebrate the arrival of the new year at the camp.

Komala is a leftist political party of Iranian Kurdistan that is engaged in armed struggle against the Iran government. It has bases within the Kurdistan Region and positions around Mount Halgurd.

Iranian Kurdish parties have been targeted by bombings and deadly attacks in the Kurdistan Region. They largely blame Iranian authorities of orchestrating the attacks on them.

No party has claimed responsibility for the bombs discovered today.


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