Sudani orders investigation into drone attack on Khor Mor gas field

Karwan Faidhi Dri
Karwan Faidhi Dri @KarwanFaidhiDri
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani on Friday ordered an investigation into a drone attack against the Khor Mor gas field in Sulaimani province the previous day. The strike has significantly reduced electricity generation in the Kurdistan Region. 

The Khor Mor field, a critical gas field operated by the UAE-based Dana Gas, in Sulaimani province’s Chamchamal district was attacked late Thursday. A liquid storage tank was hit by a weaponized drone, causing a halt in gas production and a subsequent power outage in the Kurdistan Region, according to the Kurdish electricity ministry. 

The federal Joint Operations Command said in a statement on Friday that Sudani has “directed an investigation to be conducted to determine the circumstances of this incident, to be completed within 48 hours.”

Sudani also “stressed taking deterrent legal measures against the party that committed this criminal act that threatens energy projects in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and other provinces,” read the statement. 

There have been no reported casualties in the incident, and as of now, no group has claimed responsibility.

“There were no injuries to personnel. Production was temporarily suspended to put out the fire which was extinguished. Operations staff are taking all required measures to resume operations as soon as possible, which is expected soon,” Dana Gas said in a statement.

The Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) electricity ministry stated that the attack resulted in a reduction of 2,800 megawatts (MW) in electricity generation, adding that as the situation stabilizes, electricity production is expected to return to its normal levels.

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani called on the federal government and Kurdistan Region's "friends" to help the Region prevent such attacks, adding that issuing condemnations against such attacks is not enough.

"Statements and condemnations will not end these unjust attacks and present them from happening again. It is important that the Iraqi government takes practical steps to end the threat posed by these outlaw groups, and it should protect the security of the whole of Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region," he said in a statement on Friday.

Khor Mor field has several times come under rocket attacks over the past few years, reportedly by Iraqi militia groups affiliated with Iran. This is the first time it is being targeted in months.

Despite the security threat, Dana Gas said in 2022 that they would be able to meet the Kurdistan Region’s full gas demands in about two years. Khor Mor field produces 452 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, according to Dana Gas.

Thursday’s drone attack on the key gas field has been condemned by several countries, including US, UK and Canada.  

Since October, the Kurdistan Region has witnessed a series of frequent attacks, primarily orchestrated by Iraqi militias. These attacks often target military bases that house United States troops, with the intent of retaliating against Washington's support for Israel during its conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Updated at 6:00 pm


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