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Around a dozen hikers from an environmental organization made a trip to the peak of Mount Bradost in Erbil province on Friday as a blizzard raged around them. 
Mahdi Faraj, a member of Nian Organization for Environmental Protection, told Rudaw that they began hiking on the mountain in the early hours of Friday. This is the first major snowfall in the Kurdistan region covering most of the mountainous reign in snow.  Mount Bradost is over 2,000 meters above sea level. 

“We encountered too much hardship when climbing the mountain. There was a blizzard so we got lost. We finally found our way to the top of the mountain where around 50 centimeters of snow had fallen,” Faraj added. The Bradost Mountain is a unique habitat and in this wintery weather, trees were frozen like crystals.  

Other groups attempted to ascend the mountain but they were not well equipped so they gave up, Faraj added. 

Photos: Mahdi Faraj