Komal waiting for KDP negotiators to knock on their door

Tags: Komal Ali Bapir KRG government cabinet
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The leader of the Kurdistan Islamic League (Komal) Ali Bapir rejected all reports on Friday that his party was boycotting the next cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) as baseless, saying they will consider joining the talks if they receive a clear roadmap from the winner of the September parliamentary elections.

“We’ve made our political stand very clear,” Bapir told Rudaw. “And we have never said we will not join the government.”

Bapir, whose party secured seven seats in the elections said that they are waiting to hear from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) which won 45 seats and is leading the talks.

“Unless the opposite party comes to us and tells us what their plan and agenda is and whether the next government will be different or the same as the past ones, manipulated by parties instead of serving people, how can we do anything?” he said.

“Once we have a clear view we will certainly make a decision.” Bapir said.

Bapir said dismissed reports that Komal was going to stay out of the government and operate as an opposition party.

He added that he hasn’t held any recent meetings with KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, and that the last meeting between the two parties was before the elections.

“But since the talks started on forming the 9th cabinet no one has come to us,” he said.

Bapir said reports that his party had sought the help of others to arrange talks were “baseless”.


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