Komal demands accountable gov’t, holds off on decision to join

Tags: Komal KRG KRG election
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SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – Komal said it has expectations that the next Kurdistan Regional Government will be accountable to the people, but has not yet made a decision on whether or not to participate in the cabinet. 

“Komal hopes the main job of the next government is to serve people, improve peoples’ living conditions, remove the salary saving system, uproot corruption, bring about transparency and justice,” the party said in a statement after a leadership council meeting in Sulaimani on Tuesday.

“Komal wishes to see a government that is not under the influence of party politics,” the statement added. 

The Islamic party secured seven seats in the new parliament, “winning the trust of a large number of people,” it stated. It increased their standing by one seat in the legislature. 

It has not yet, however, announced a decision on its participation in the next government. 

The Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU), Gorran, and New Generation have all rejected the results of the election they say was tainted by fraud. The KIU has chosen to sit in opposition rather than try to form a broad-based coalition government like the combative outgoing one. 

Komal condemned the “wave of fraud committed by the KDP and PUK,” the two parties that secured the largest shares of the vote, and criticized the electoral commission for not preventing the wrongdoing. 

The KDP and PUK have both called on the people to look to the future, to build a constructive government that can meet the challenges that lie ahead. 


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