Duhok governor declares Wednesday holiday due to flash floods

Flooding in Duhok city on March 19, 2024. Photo: Rudaw
Flooding in Duhok city on March 19, 2024. Photo: Rudaw
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Duhok governor on Tuesday declared the following day a public holiday after flash floods hit the province for the second time in a day. 

Torrential downpour battered central Duhok and its vicinities starting on Monday evening, resulting in flooding in many areas. Rainwater swept through multiple houses and shops, causing material damage. Two people were killed as a result. After a few hours of pause, the heavy rains returned in the late hours, causing flooding in some areas, including Zakho town.

Duhok Governor Ali Tatar declared Wednesday a holiday, calling on people to stay in their homes. 

Tatar said earlier in the day that Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani had instructed relevant authorities to do whatever needs to be done to protect civilian lives.

“A vehicle carrying four people was swept away by the floods. Two of them were rescued, but the other two were taken by the current. According to early information, both of them have died, but their bodies have yet to be found,” Bewar Abdulaziz, spokesperson for Duhok’s civil defense, told Rudaw.

Taban Fazel, spokesperson for Duhok health directorate, told Rudaw late Tuesday that seven people had been hospitalized due to the flooding, adding that one person died due to a short circuit.  

The flash floods also hit Erbil in the afternoon but only caused material damage. 

Yann Braem, French consul general to Erbil, expressed his condolences for the deaths of people by the flooding. He also expressed solidarity with the affected people and emergency services. 


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