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Bilind T. Abdullah @BilindTahir
Followers of the Yazidi faith marked the arrival of the Yazidi New Year at the holy Temple of Lalish, with a large number of tourists joining the ethnoreligious minority in celebrating the renewal of life.

Yazidis celebrate their New Year on the first Wednesday of April, based on the Julian and Seleucid calendars; an occasion marked by a ceremony held in Lalish Temple in the mountains of Duhok where followers of the religion gather and light candles.

The celebrations continue at home as well, as they prepare traditional dishes, decorate eggs, exchange gifts, and pick flowers and attach them to one’s hair or turban.

Additionally, Yazidis light 366 candles at Lalish for each day of the Yazidi calendar.

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Wednesday extended his congratulations to Yazidi people all around the world, while delivering a keynote address at the eighth edition of Sulaimani Forum.