Barzani, US ambassador agree Erbil-Baghdad cooperation key to stability

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Sunday met with United States Ambassador Alina Romanowski during his trip to Baghdad to discuss relations between the regional and federal governments ahead of the Iraqi prime minister’s visit to Washington next week.

“Both sides stressed the importance of resolving the issues between Erbil and Baghdad to maintain peace and political stability in the country, and agreed on the need for cooperation and coordination of Iraqi political parties and continued efforts and dialogue to resolve all issues,” read a statement from the Kurdistan Region Presidency on their meeting.

The two also discussed payment of the salaries of Kurdistan Region’s civil servants, the June 10 elections, and Washington’s ties with Erbil and Baghdad.

“A constructive relationship between Baghdad & Erbil can advance security, stability & the economy for all,” wrote Romanowski in a post on X after her meeting with President Barzani. She also emphasized the need for a fair and transparent Kurdistan parliamentary election.

Paying Kurdistan Region’s civil servant salaries and restarting oil exports are among the main issues currently occupying Erbil and Baghdad and have also been at the top of President Barzani’s agenda during his visit to the Iraqi capital, in addition to the upcoming parliamentary elections. 

Similar topics were echoed during President Barzani’s meeting with France’s Ambassador to Iraq Patrick Durel.

President Barzani also met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani and members of the governing coalition in Baghdad. 

Iraq’s Federal Supreme Court in February ordered the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to submit a breakdown of the monthly budget for its payroll to the finance ministry so Baghdad could start paying the Region’s share from the federal budget.

In a press conference following his meeting with President Barzani, Sudani stressed that Baghdad is keen to continue financing the Kurdistan Region’s payroll in a way that does not contradict the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court, urging cooperation and flexibility from Erbil.

The Kurdistan Region finance ministry on Sunday announced that Baghdad has deposited the final installment into the Kurdistan Region’s account for March salaries.

The Region’s civil servants went unpaid for over 60 days after receiving their January salaries.

Sudani will visit Washington to meet US President Joe Biden on April 15.



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