Heavy rainfall revives springheads in Sulaimani village

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - More than 30 springheads and streams were revived by the past days’ heavy rainfall in one village in Sulaimani province’s Ranya alone.

Residents of Sharwet village rejoiced at the springheads’ revival, something they claim had not been witnessed for three decades.

"Sharwet village's water sources usually replenish during springtime. We never expected that with the first rainfall of the year, the water resources of the village would revive. And this year for the first time, some new water sources have appeared," Sheikha Watman, a local villager who has been residing in the village for over thirty years, told Rudaw on Sunday.

The clean spring water has attracted people from nearby regions to Sharwet.

"These springs have attracted tourists to the village. However, these waters need services … toilets, that the relevant authorities must provide for tourists," Azad Hussein, a tourist said.

Hedi Bayz, a resident of Sharwet village said the authorities will need to capitalize on these natural assets, or else they will go to waste.

With over a hundred households, Sharwet village sits at the foot of Mount Qadil. In addition to raising livestock and farming, its villagers raise poultry, mainly ducks and geese.


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