Photo Gallery

21 Photos
Bilind T. Abdullah @BilindTahir
An exhibition of six female photographers was launched in Erbil on Sunday, with each photographer submitting 12 works promoting gender equality. 

The exhibition was organized by the Swedish Global Reporting and Framing Photojournalism School in Erbil under the name of “Khatun.”

“We hope that such workshops will be launched again because they are encouraging women and if an individual has a talent, they will continue and further develop themselves and maybe become a professional in this field,” photographer Saba Karim told Rudaw. 

“There are many women who are passionate about becoming photojournalists but they find it difficult, and I tell them that it takes effort at first, but it will be very enjoyable when their work is published,” she added. 

Framing School for Journalistic Photography concentrates on artistic, cultural, and gathering of talented young people in the fields of photography, music, painting, writing, and media. It was founded in 2016 by Safin Hamid.

Global Reporting is a journalism and communications consultancy group, offering services ranging from reporting, communications strategy, events, training, and management to text, photography, film production, and graphic design.