Italian defense minister discusses bilateral ties with Kurdish leaders

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Italy’s defense chief on Wednesday separately met with the Kurdistan Region president and prime minister, discussing his country’s security and trade ties with the Region. 

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto arrived in Baghdad on Tuesday, holding meetings with several Iraqi top officials. He visited Erbil later the same day, meeting with Kurdish leaders the following day. 

“I’m delighted to receive Italian Defense Minister @GuidoCrosetto today in Erbil, after our excellent meeting last month in Rome. We held productive talks on ways to further strengthen our ties, and promote peace and stability in the region. I reiterated my appreciation to the people and leadership of Italy for supporting Kurdistan and Iraq in the war against terror,” said Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani in a tweet.   

President Barzani expressed the Region’s gratitude for Italy’s support in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS), read a statement from his office.  

Italy has been a member of the global coalition against ISIS since 2014, and has up to 900 soldiers deployed to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, providing military advice and training to the Peshmerga forces.

The Italian defense ministry said the meeting between Crosetto and President Barzani was “important,” adding that the Kurdistan Region is an “example of achievable stability for greater international security.”

The Italian minister also met with Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani. 

“Italy is a long-standing friend and partner, backing our Peshmerga in the war against ISIS. 
We’re exploring more bilateral trade and investment,” said PM Barzani in a tweet following the “productive meeting.”  

President Barzani last month held meetings with several top Italian officials during his trip to Rome after meeting with Pope Francis. 

Italy and the Kurdistan Region have shared strong relations since 2003, and the KRG has a representative in the Italian capital of Rome. Former Italian PM Giuseppe Conte visited the Kurdistan Region in 2019.



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