CHP sees Assad as the only legitimate actor in Syria: Official

Mehmed Salih Bedirxan
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Turkey’s main opposition the Republican People’s Party (CHP) considers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as the only legitimate actor to speak with regarding both countries’ relations, an assistant to CHP leader told Rudaw on Wednesday.

“The legitimate power of Syria, the legitimate actor of Syria is Bashar al-Assad's regime. Our main choice is to hold talks with Bashar al-Assad's regime to solve the problems,” Prof. Dr. Ilhan Uzgel, who is the foreign minister of CHP’s shadow cabinet, told Rudaw.

“Syria is a neighboring country and does not consist only of Bashar al-Assad. There are big powers like America, Russia, and Iran. The Syrian issue cannot be resolved without the engagement of international diplomacy. If necessary, meetings should be held with the United States, Russia, Iran, and the European Union. Assad is only one side of the problem,” he added. 

The following is the full interview with the CHP official: 

RUDAW: You have previously said on X that Turkey’s policy for the Middle East, Syria, and the Syrian refugees have collapsed. How did things go wrong?

Shadow FM İlhan Uzgel: This mistake was there from the beginning. The policy started with mistakes, the chainlink was broken there. They wanted to destroy Bashar al-Assad with the help of America. You can't destroy the power of your neighboring country with America. As a foreign policy choice it was very wrong. The error started here and continued. That policy was not in the interest of Turkey and the interest of the people of the region. In politics, one should not take steps far from the facts - steps that are not in Turkey's interest. That's where the mistakes emerged.

What should have been done? What should Turkey have done?

This is not a new discussion. We passed those stages. As I said, Turkey cannot change the regime and power of its neighbor. Turkey could have closed its border gates, put forward political choices and not entered into that internal war of that country and did not try to change the power in Syria. All this was not done. The policy of changing the regime and power in Syria was carried out. According to that plan, the Muslim Brotherhood would come to power in Syria, but that project did not succeed.

The media claimed that Bashar al-Assad agreed to meet [CHP Leader] Ozgur Ozel. Did you receive any response to the meeting between Ozel and Assad from Damascus? When will they meet?

No date has been set yet. We presented our request to Damascus through official and semi-official channels. Damascus and Assad are aware of our request for a meeting. We are waiting for their answer. They also evaluate this process among themselves. As you know, Syria is a sensitive place and the process is sensitive. Its process is not like that of a European country. It is not like a diplomatic visit to Europe. That's why I think it will take a little more time for the meeting to take place. On the other hand, you know that Recep Tayyip Erdogan also wants to meet Bashar al-Assad. Maybe Erdogan and Bashar Assad will meet.

As I said, there is also the factor of Iran and Russia in Syria and we are taking all of them into consideration and the regime of Bashar al-Assad is also taking that situation into consideration. Because of this situation, I say that it will take some more time for the meeting.

If the meeting takes place, what issue will you bring to the table and what will you discuss?

The situation has reached such a level that the AKP government either does not take any steps or is no longer able to take steps. AKP does not say anything to us and the public regarding the solution of the Syrian problem, especially the refugee problem. It seems that it has no plans. The fate of the Syrian opposition fighters is not clear. No one knows what their plan is for Idlib? Assad also said, 'meeting is not enough for a meeting.’ Meetings should be held on a certain basis. There should be plans and proposals for the meeting. Our goal is to open up those existing knots and lay the groundwork for knotty resolution.

Assad spoke about the invitations and calls of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and demanded the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria as a precondition for the meeting. What do you say about the condition?

This condition of Bashar Assad is not new. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria also expressed that precondition in a statement a few days ago, but people should sit down and negotiate with each other for the sake of truth.

We are not against the meeting between Erdogan and Assad. We want the normalization of relations. We want Turkey's relations with neighboring countries to be normal. This condition of Assad is not new, but still we think that the meeting is important for solutions and we want the meeting between Bashar Assad and Erdogan to take place.

Following the events in the Turkish city of Kayseri, tensions broke out in the areas under the control of the Syrian opposition fighters and in some places demonstrations were held against the Turkish soldiers. A part of Syria is now in their hands. Will you meet with them?

No. The armed forces of the Syrian opposition are under the control of the Turkish Intelligence. They are paid by Turkey. We are against the existence of such a structure. If the CHP rises to power, we will specifically work on the issue of Syrian opposition fighters. We are currently working on this issue. A solution should be found for them. Undoubtedly, we must meet with the legitimate regime of Damascus and we will meet.

The FSA [Free Syrian Army] will remain for us as a legacy of AKP's rule. As the main opposition party in Turkey, we do not have a plan to meet with the FSA.

The legitimate power of Syria, the legitimate actor of Syria is Bashar al-Assad's regime. Our main choice is to hold talks with Bashar al-Assad's regime to solve the problems.

In 2013, AKP held several meetings with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-Chair Salih Muslim. Then the meeting ended. If the CHP comes to power, will it meet with the PYD?

İlhan Uzgel: Let me say this clearly in Syria, we do not meet or hold meetings with anyone other than Bashar Assad's regime. For us, Bashar Assad is the legitimate power in Syria.

Does the CHP believe that only meeting with Assad will solve the problems of Turkey and Syria?

There are several keys to this Syrian issue. One of them is the meeting with Bashar Assad. Syria is a neighboring country and does not consist only of Bashar al-Assad. There are big powers like America, Russia, and Iran. The Syrian issue cannot be resolved without the engagement of international diplomacy. If necessary, meetings should be held with the United States, Russia, Iran, and the European Union. Assad is only one side of the problem. International diplomacy is needed. There is a human problem and there is a problem of migrants. As a leader, Bashar Assad does not have control over the entire territory of Syria. Solving problems with such a leader is difficult.



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