After Cologne attacks German women buy stun guns, pepper spray

After the New Year’s sexual attacks in Cologne, German women have been buying stun guns, pepper spray, and other self-defense products.

"People of all classes come to buy products to protect themselves, especially women. After the Cologne event, the numbers of customers have increased sharply. The most popular products are now pepper spray, guns with lights to blind the eyes, and also a very loud emergency alarm. The taser is also popular, but you need a gun license to purchase one." says one shopkeeper.

In addition, German women are now taking self-defense courses more than ever before.

"After the Cologne event, more women are taking our classes. They are worried about the New Year’s Eve assaults and don’t know what to do if they are in a similar situation. We teach them how to react and how to protect themselves. The exercises are designed for women and they are very effective. I believe you cannot protect yourself just by using pepper spray." said a trainer.
They are trained here how to fight and protect themselves. They learn to trust themselves. 

The women attending these courses believe police and security forces might not be always there to help them and that they need to be able to be able to protect themselves.

An applicant says, "For me as a woman, these exercises help me to protect myself and increase my self-confidence, especially when I am walking alone in the streets. I know that I can protect myself."

The center also teaches the participants how to use the tools they need to protect themselves if necessary.

Participants learn how to protect themselves using the items they have in their purses.

Although Germany is updating its sexual assault law following the Cologne attacks, these women think they cannot depend on the law all the time and they need to be able to save themselves if necessary.
