President Barzani heads to Germany to attend Munich Security Conference

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Thursday departed for Germany to attend the annual Munich Security Conference (MSC), during which he will meet with senior officials from several countries regarding security issues, said the Kurdistan Region Presidency in a statement. 

The three-day conference will kick off on Friday. 

“Throughout the conference, the President will engage in meetings with leaders and senior officials to address the security situation and the obstacles confronting peace and stability in Iraq, the surrounding region and the world,” read the statement from the Kurdistan Region Presidency, adding that said that those discussions will constitute “an opportunity to exchange perspectives with the international community and present the viewpoints of the Kurdistan Region on these issues.” 

The statement specified that the President “will emphasize the significance of collaborative efforts in upholding peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle East,” emphasizing that he will also engage in dialogues with international leaders to  He will engage in dialogues with leaders and officials from different countries to “explore ways of averting further turmoil in the region.”

President Barzani arrived in Munich late Thursday, according to Rudaw reporter on the ground. He has attended previous editions of the prestigious conference.

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani also attended the conference last year, where, together with the President, he held a joint meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, discussing several key issues.

“The MSC 2024 will once again offer a unique opportunity for high-level debates on the world’s most pressing security challenges. Additionally, the MSC, founded in the fall of 1963, will celebrate its 60th anniversary up to and during the next main conference,” reads the conference’s website.