Kakai yoghurt festival in Halabja aimed at promoting coexistence

HALABJA, Kurdistan Region - A local yoghurt festival was held in a village in Halabja province earlier this week. The festival is the fourth of its kind and celebrates a historical tradition observed by the Kakais called the Day of Giving.

The celebration is aimed at promoting unity and coexistence between the different components that live together. The yoghurt is known as Qalate yoghurt, named after a village nearby. 

During the festival, religious and artistic activities are organized for the participants while they enjoy the local product. 

Amira Fatah, a participant, told Rudaw’s Sazgar Salah on Sunday that “this is a religious ceremony that belongs to us.”

This ceremony had been held years before, but it's been four years since we started doing it every year,” Fatah added. 

Kakais are followers of the Yarsan religion, an ancient faith local to Iran and Iraq. 
Many Muslims also take part in these festivities in support of their Kakai neighbors.

“Giving is one of the religious principles of the Yarsan religion and has been repeated in other religions. We want our culture to be alive and to hold this ceremony every year,” Ako Shawais, a member of the Kaki community, said. 

Shawais also spoke about the importance of inviting the Muslims members of the community in order to promote coexistence and unity.