Duhok teenager reprints storybook in Braille

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region  A Duhok teenager has reprinted a storybook in Braille for visually impaired readers. 

"This is my first time converting a storybook written for sighted people into Braille, or writing for visually impaired people...I was looking around and noticed that there are no Braille books available for visually impaired readers. Even if there are any, they would be in English and Arabic," Rezhin Ahmed told the Associated Press.

Ahmed has printed six copies of "Beautiful Words."

Other visually impaired young people have spoken of obstacles to accessing reading material.

"There weren't any [books] available. Even during first year of studies, the program was in normal writing. There wasn't any Braille, neither in books nor on forms," said Heyhat Asaad.

"Now, we are very happy that a book has been written for us, one that visually impaired people can enjoy reading."


Video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed