Participation of the Kurdish people in the Great Victory

May 9, 1945 is a day that symbolizes the spirit of resistance and heroism of the peoples of the Soviet Union. On this day, the Treaty of German Instrument of Surrender was signed, ending the Great Patriotic War (World War II). 

The Great Patriotic War – one of the most tragic and difficult periods in Russian history, claimed millions of lives, destroyed hundreds of thousands of families, and changed the world forever. This victory, achieved by the brave and selfless soldiers of the Red Army, was a heroic struggle and Russia’s legacy, the clearest example of the heroism and unity of the people of the Soviet Union in the face of danger. We bow to these participants and victors of the war and are proud of them, and they will always be remembered. 

Among these heroes were a number of Kurdish men and boys who fought on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Among them were soldiers, officers, intelligence personnel, mine-planters, and commandos. Many received medals and certificates of appreciation for their successful heroism in the war. Three of these Kurdish heroes (Samand Aliyevich Siabandov, Avaz Geshim Verdiyev, and Bakir Mustafayev) received the highest medal of the Soviet Union, titled Hero of the Soviet Union. 

Kurdish soldiers volunteered to go to the battlefield to defend the state, which they saw as their second homeland. Kurdish heroes fought alongside the German army on most fronts, including defending Moscow, breaking the siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the Battle of Stalingrad (now Volgograd), the Caucasus Wars, the liberation of Crimea, and of course working behind the scenes. Many Kurdish soldiers bravely defended Belgrade, Warsaw, and Budapest. They participated in the heroic Battle of Berlin. Kurdish soldiers as part of the Soviet forces even fought against the Imperialist Japanese Kwantung Army.

In the Soviet archives, there are many articles and historical documents about the Great Patriotic War that refer to the representatives of the Kurdish people. The words of Soviet Marshal Ivan Bagramyan on the participation of the Kurdish people in the Great Victory are written: “During the Great Patriotic War, when our country, where the Kurdish people found national freedom and true happiness for the first time in history, faced deadly danger, they showed that they were as hardworking for the country as other patriots of the Soviet Union and other brotherly nations. They performed their military duty faithfully and bravely.” This is the clearest proof of the unity of the Kurdish and Russian peoples who have stood up to threats as true brothers. 

Maxim Rubin is the Consul General of Russia to Erbil.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.