Kurdish families struggle in poverty in Diyarbakir

Mashala Dekak
Filmed on May 31, 2021.
Filmed on May 31, 2021.
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DIYARBAKIR, Turkey — Kurdish families in the city of Diyarbakir (Amed) are struggling in poverty, with thousands either unemployed or living on low wages.

"This child is sick, she's now two years old. When she was one year old, I used to give her only tea. We had nothing else to feed her," local resident Pinar Eskici told Rudaw. 

"I want to have a job, I want to work. I want nothing else," said her husband Eizzat. 

According to the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions, a family of four needs 2,830 Turkish lira a month to avoid going hungry, but economists say most families can't cover basic monthly costs. 

"A family of four has to pay 1,500 lira per month for rent, 150 lira for electricity and 450 on gas. Nearly 80 lira goes on internet, and 300 on transportation. For families that have students, they spend another 300. The total is 2,790 lira, and the lowest wage doesn't cover this," said Suat Ozalp. 

The confederation estimates that nearly 10 million people in Kurdish-populated cities live on low wages.

Unemployment in Turkey stands at 13.1%, or more than 4 million people, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute.

Translation and video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed 


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