SDF condemns IED attack on Qamishli office

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) political wing on Monday condemned an IED attack on their office in northeast Syria’s (Rojava) Qamishli city, which resulted in material damages. 

“Our center in Qamishli city was subjected to a terrorist attack on Monday evening, February 26. Unknown assailants threw an IED inside the building’s wall, resulting in material damage,” the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the SDF’s political wing, said in a statement. 

“We strongly condemn this assault. We emphasize that the parties behind this attack aim to undermine our national stances, which involve promoting the intra-Syrian dialogue at the domestic level and ultimately achieving the democratic transition in Syria,” it added. 

Rojava’s internal security forces (Asayish) have launched an investigation into the attack. 

The US-backed SDF fought the lion’s share of the battle against the Islamic State (ISIS) after the terror group swept through swathes of Syria in 2014. Thousands of the terror group’s fighters were arrested by the Kurdish-led force along with their wives and children when they were crushed territorially in their last stronghold in Syria in 2019. 

No entity or party has claimed responsibility for the attack.