Kurdish young man killed in Afrin, father calls for murderer’s execution

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A young Kurdish man was killed in Afrin, northern Syria on Wednesday. The father of the murdered youngster told Rudaw that his son’s body was torn into pieces by a former employee who has been arrested by local police. 

Khalid Mate told Rudaw’s Dilbxwin Dara on Thursday that his son, Walid, was killed by one of his former employees in the Kurdish town of Jindaris in Afrin region the previous day. 

“I call on the Turkish, Syrian and the local governments to punish the murderer who killed my son with a knife and then tore his body into pieces and threw him into a well. Who would accept this crime?” he charged. 

The suspected perpetrator is Yamin Ahmed, a member of the town's Arab community, who is originally from Idlib but moved to Afrin after the Kurdish city was invaded by Turkey and its Syrian proxies in 2018. 

“The murderer used to work for me and we did not have any issues. We also visited one another. I have a bakery and he was my employee. I was compelled to fire him because the business was not doing well. Therefore, he decided to kill my son [as a retaliation],” Mate told Rudaw. 

The suspect has been arrested by local police and his family have fled the town, Mate added.

“The murderer should be sentenced to execution so that such crimes are not repeated,” he said.