Israeli airstrikes target regime base in Daraa: Monitor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Suspected Israeli airstrikes targeted warehouses belonging to the Syrian regime in the countryside of Daraa province, southwest of the country, a war monitor reported on Tuesday.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the attacks were launched after midnight, targeting the town of Mahajjah. The warehouses stored weapons and ammunition belonging to pro-Iran militias, SOHR added.

The strikes led to the destruction of the weapons, said the monitor with no reports of casualties.

The attack comes a week after airstrikes, attributed to Israel, hit the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, killing at least seven people, including two generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Monday visited the consular building of his country's embassy in Damascus, and vowed that Israel will be “punished” for the deadly attack.

Israel has yet to comment on the attack on the embassy, while the Pentagon has denied any involvement.

Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on regime-controlled areas of Syria throughout its nearly 13-year civil war, often claiming to strike pro-Iran militias such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which supports the Syrian army. 

Israel has intensified its strikes on Syria since October 7. It has attacked Syrian territory at least 34 times since the start of the year, killing at least 141 people and wounding over 60 others, according to SOHR.

While it rarely comments on strikes attributed to it in Syria, Israel has repeatedly warned that it would not tolerate its arch-rival Iran gaining a foothold there.