Suspected ISIS attack injures Iraqi soldier in Salahaddin

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - One Iraqi soldier was injured in a suspected Islamic State (ISIS) attack on the Iraqi army in Salahaddin province on Sunday, an official told Rudaw.

The terror group allegedly attacked the force in Tuz Khurmatu’s Bastamli village at around 6:45 pm, Kawa Shekhani, Sakahaddin governor’s security and military advisor told Rudaw.

Shekhani added that the wounded soldier had been transferred to a hospital, and the situation was under control.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

The disputed territory of Salahaddin is often targeted by ISIS militants, which seized control of swathes of land in Iraq in 2014. The group was declared territorially defeated in 2017 but it continues to carry out bombings, hit-and-run attacks, and abductions across several provinces. The terror group’s remnants are particularly active in parts of northern Iraq that are disputed between Erbil and Baghdad.

Major General Qaraman Kamal, vice chief of staff of Peshmerga forces, told Rudaw on Thursday the terror group has launched about 33 attacks in the disputed areas in the first three months of the year, killing at least 24 people and injuring over 20 more. 

The terror group claimed responsibility for an attack on a village in southern Kirkuk, saying they have killed at least three civilians and injured four others. 

Iraqi and Kurdish forces often launch joint security operations to arrest ISIS suspects.

The Kurdish security forces on Wednesday announced the arrest of an ISIS leader believed to have executed two Peshmerga fighters. 

On Monday, the Iraqi forces arrested an ISIS leader and several suspects of the terror group across Iraq.