Official: top ISIS bomb-maker killed in Mosul blast

MOSUL, Mosul province – A top ISIS leader and a number of his assistants were killed Tuesday in an explosion at a bomb-making warehouse on Tuesday in the group’s stronghold of Mosul, a Kurdish official told Rudaw.

“The well-known Daesh emir, Abu Hisham al-Chechani, and a number of his gunmen died today in a stockade blast where they were making explosives,” Saeed Mamozini, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party's branch 14 in Mosul, told Rudaw on Tuesday.
Abu Hisham al-Chechani, said to be originally from Chechnya in Russia's North Caucasus region, was reportedly the head of ISIS operations involving booby traps and planted bombs.

There was no immediate mention of the reported blast on ISIS social media sites.