PM Sudani directs acceleration of Crescent Petroleum projects

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani on Tuesday met UAE-based Crescent Petroleum representatives to expedite investments in a Diyala province oil field and signed a contract to increase gas production to supply power stations.

The prime minister “directed the oil ministry to expedite efforts to overcome any obstacles hindering Crescent Petroleum’s gas and oil investment in Khashem Al-Ahmar oil field in Diyala province,” said a statement from Sudani’s office.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Crescent Petroleum and the oil and electricity ministries.

Crescent was one of the first upstream private oil and gas companies in the Middle East. With its affiliate, Dana Gas, they struck a deal with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in 2007 to develop the Region’s gas resources.

“The meeting discussed the government’s plans to advance gas investment in partnership with the private sector,” the statement added, noting that Sudani directed the electricity ministry to sign a contract with the company to “secure 100 million standard cubic feet of gas for operating power stations.”

The company has operated in Khor Mor, a critical gas field in Sulaimani province’s Chamchamal district and a frequent target of rocket and drone strikes by Iran-backed militias.