Iraq arrests new batch of foreign business attackers in Baghdad

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraq’s interior ministry on Wednesday announced the arrest of a new batch of assailants who targeted American and foreign businesses in Baghdad, adding that security services are pursuing the remaining suspects. 

“The security services in the Ministry of Interior through qualitative operations arrested a new group of defendants in incidents of attacks and vandalism that affected KFC restaurants and foreign businesses in various areas,” the ministry said in a statement.

 The suspects were arrested under Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism law, the statement said. 

According to Article Four of the 2005 Counter-Terrorism Law, anyone found guilty of committing a terror offense is given a death sentence, with life imprisonment given to those who assist or hide those convicted of terrorism.

American and British companies in Baghdad, including KFC and Caterpillar, have been the target of a series of attacks in recent days, and have been subject to boycott calls over their alleged links to Israel.

The interior ministry said that security forces are working to “pursue the rest of the elements who committed this illegal act for the purpose of arresting them and bringing them to justice to receive their rightful punishment.” 

On Tuesday, Iraq announced that it had arrested a number of assailants who targeted foreign businesses, some of which belonged to the security forces. They were also arrested under Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism Law. 

The boycotts against American and foreign businesses are in response to Israel’s deadly military campaign against the Gaza Strip which has killed over 36,000, according to the Palestinian health ministry. Israel’s campaign was in retaliation to a large-scale incursion into southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas militants based in Gaza, which killed over 1,170, according to Israeli figures.

On Thursday, the US embassy warned that attacks on foreign businesses in Baghdad “could weaken Iraq’s ability to attract foreign investment,” and condemned the attacks.

The embassy statement came hours after Iraq’s Security Media Cell called the attacks a “desperate” attempt to destabilize the country and harm its reputation. 

Iraq is a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause and has on several occasions condemned the lack of global support for justice for Palestinians.