Kurdish woman covers herself with thousands of bees

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Kurdish woman has covered herself with an estimated 3,000 bees, overcoming her fears and hoping to become one of the woman in the world to accomplish the feat.

Nigar Salar, 34, is from Erbil. The idea came to her two years ago after observing a beehive. Intrigued by their movements and lives, she decided that someday she would face her fear head on and get close to the bees.

"Bees are smart and beautiful creatures. Every move they make benefits our daily lives. I chose bees because I love them," Salar explained.

When she embarked on the adventure, she did so surrounded by family, friends, and experienced beekeepers.

She said many questions flew through her head, the main one being “Am I ready to risk my life?” Her answer was yes.

“Then, the bees began to surround me. I wanted to see how closely I could connect with them, become their friend, and live among them," she said.