KRG provides visa on arrival for citizens of 53 countries

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Monday announced that citizens of 53 countries can now enter the Region without the need for a pre-arranged visa.

“In a recent move by the Kurdistan Regional Government's Ministry of Interior, citizens from 53 countries have been granted the ability to enter the Kurdistan Region without a pre-arranged visa,” read a statement from the KRG.

The citizens will “simply need to present their passports at any border entry point, where they will be issued an electronic visa,” allowing them to enter the Region.

The electronic visa is only valid for entry into the Kurdistan Region and cannot be used to travel to federal Iraq. 

“Applicants must ensure their passports are valid for at least 6 months to be eligible for entry,” added the statement.

In February 2023, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani announced the government’s first-ever electronic visa portal as part of an expansive campaign to digitalize services in the Region in a bid to boost tourism and investment.

Despite the KRG’s decision, the same measures do not apply to citizens of the Kurdistan Region for many of the 53 countries in question.

Kurdistan Region citizens, who are holders of Iraqi passports, can visit 31 countries without the need for a pre-arranged visa, according to the Henley passport index, a global ranking of passports based on travel freedom allowed by passport holders.

According to Henley, the Iraqi passport is ranked 107th, the third worst-ranked passport in the world just ahead of Syria and Afghanistan ranked 108 and 109 respectively.