Erbil bazaar shops returned to owners after renovations complete

Workers renovating the Qaysari bazaar in Erbil. File photo: Rudaw

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Renovations at Erbil’s historic Qaysari bazaar were completed on Wednesday and shops were returned to their owners after a blaze last year incurred significant damage.

"Work on both the new and archaeological sections of the Qaysari Bazaar, which had a total of 270 shops, has been completed," Sangar Mohammed, supervisor of the renovation process, told Rudaw on Wednesday, noting that only aesthetic changes remain that will be undertaken by shopowners.

A fire erupted at Erbil’s popular Qaysari Bazaar in May, burning down a total of 270 shops and seven storage units. More than 100 people were injured in the blaze, according to the governor’s office.

In September, Governor Omed Khoshnaw announced that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) started the process of compensating people affected by the fire, with compensation ranging between 2.5 million to 20 million Iraqi dinars ($1,890 to $15,200).

"Today, all shop owners can take their goods back to their shops and resume work," Mohammed said.

Mohammed emphasized that the historical section of the bazaar where the walls are made with mudbrick “has not been modified, but has been renovated in the same way.” but in the new section of the market, everything has been renovated.

KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani visited the Qaysari Bazaar after the blaze, and promised that the government will “restore everything, brick by brick.”

Fires are a perennial concern in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. They are especially frequent in the summertime when the scorching heat increases the risks.

Safety standards also are often ignored in the country. Most buildings lack adequate fire extinguishers, evacuation routes, and emergency exits.

Solin Hamadamin contributed to this report.