US continues to help Kurdistan promote human rights: Official

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Washington is committed to helping the Kurdistan Region boost its protection of human rights and promotion of press freedom, US Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya said on Thursday.

“We are committed to working with the IKR [Iraqi Kurdistan Region] on jointly promoting human rights and freedom of expression here and in the region. We will continue to work with the IKR on advancing freedom of press, strengthening democratic institutions and processes, the empowerment of women and girls, supporting justice and accountability and support for survivors’ atrocities, and assistance to refugees and vulnerable displaced persons,” Zeya said in response to a question from Rudaw during a press briefing in Erbil. 
The under secretary met with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani and other Kurdish officials on Thursday after meetings with Iraqi authorities in Baghdad earlier in the day. 
“Both parties engaged in a constructive dialogue regarding various observations and deficiencies in the domains of human rights and freedoms. They agreed on the importance of ongoing collaboration between their respective stakeholders to enhance these aspects. Furthermore, they reaffirmed their dedication to fostering shared values and safeguarding the rights of ethnic and religious communities,” read a statement from the Kurdistan Region Presidency. 

Human rights conditions in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region had worsened over the past year, the US State Department stated last month in its annual global report on human rights practices. It pointed to increased restrictions on fundamental freedoms and civic space by both Erbil and Baghdad.

Ahead of Zeya’s trip to Erbil, the State Department said she would raise these issues in her meetings.

Zeya also said on Thursday that they help Kurdish authorities in their efforts to counter human trafficking. 

“One aspect of our human rights cooperation I’d like to specifically highlight, is the strong work we are working together to counter trafficking persons. As a result of this partnership, just in the past year, we saw Iraq investigate and prosecute significantly more trafficking crimes, convict more traffickers and increase and diversify the personnel working to address these crimes,” she said. 

“Both in federal Iraq and the KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government], authorities notably increased efforts to identify and care for trafficking victims. United States remains a committed partner and supporter of all Iraqis in this effort,” Zeya added. 

Horvan Rafaat contributed to this article.