President Barzani receives Iranian delegation in Erbil

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Thursday received a delegation from the governors of Iran’s Kurdish provinces bordering the Region and parliamentarians. 

“At the meeting, both parties expressed their satisfaction with the robust and positive relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Islamic Republic of Iran… They emphasized the importance of enhancing trade activities, traffic flow, transportation at the border crossings and collaboration in healthcare and tourism,” read a statement from the Kurdistan Region Presidency. 

“Additionally, they discussed various proposals to increase direct flights and explored the possibility of establishing a free trade zone between the two regions,” it added. 

Iran’s consuls in Erbil and Sulaimani also attended the meeting.

Iran attacked Erbil with ballistic missiles targeting the residency of a Kurdish businessman in January. The attack killed the businessman and two other people, including his months-old toddler. Iran claimed it was targeting what it described as a Mossad spy base - an accusation vehemently denied by Kurdish and Iraqi authorities.

Following the attack, some Kurdish investors said they would boycott Iranian products. 

Tehran and Erbil have since improved their relations. Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani made an official visit to the Islamic republic in May, where he met with top Iranian officials including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. 

“President Nechirvan Barzani and the Iranian delegation acknowledged the mutual interests and reiterated their commitment to deepening all aspects of their bilateral relations and cooperation. The Iranian representatives expressed their gratitude to the Kurdistan Region for its pivotal role in facilitating the smooth transit of pilgrims from Iran to the revered religious sites in southern Iraq,” noted the statement from the Kurdish presidency. 

There are multiple border crossings between the Kurdistan Region and Iran, but only three are internationally recognized: Bashmakh in Sulaimani province, Parvizkhan in the Garmiyan administration, and Haji Omaran in Erbil province.