Flooding kills a woman in Erbil’s Kore

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A woman was killed in Erbil province’s Kore subdistrict on Wednesday after flooding caused a wall to fall on her. Three other people were injured in the incident, a local official said.

A video submitted to Rudaw shows the moment when the wall of a cemetery fell on four women who were rushing to a safe area due to flooding. Manar Zaynadin was killed and three other women were injured in the incident, Hamid Ismail, mayor of nearby Pirmam district, told Rudaw. 

“All the injured have been transferred to Erbil Emergency Hospital,” he added. 

Kamaran Omer, head of Pirmam Hospital, told Rudaw that Zaynadin, 25, was pregnant and died before being transferred to the hospital. 

Kurdistan Region's meteorology department has been warning in recent days about a new wave of rainfall in the Kurdistan Region. 

Rising water levels and flash floods during the rainy seasons of fall and winter have become a common occurrence in the Kurdistan Region in recent years, at times reaching disastrous levels and resulting in casualties and great damage.

Flash floods killed two people in Duhok last month.

A wave of deadly and destructive floods swept through the Kurdistan Region in late 2021 and early 2022, with the Kurdish capital of Erbil bearing the brunt of the heavy rainstorms. At least 826 families were affected by the floods, which killed twelve people, including a ten-month-old baby.

The Ministry of Municipality and Tourism at the time assessed the cost of damages caused by the second flood as more than 21 billion dinars (over $14 million).