Young Kurds Celebrate Their Culture at Youth Festival in Florida

WASHINGTON DC – Groups from Iraqi Kurdistan and Europe joined others from the United States and Canada at the 5th Annual Kurdish Youth Festival in Florida this month, where the emphasis this year was on showing support for the Kurds in Syria.

The three-day festival was packed with cultural and social activities, such as a short film competition and a Kurdish trivia game, the main events of the first day. Representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government also presented high-achieving students with scholarships to help with their educational goals.

On the second day, Dr Athanasios Moulakis, former president of the American University of Sulaimani, chaired a panel discussion about the importance of education and later on, the festival’s keynote speaker, Karwan Rostem, gave a speech about his career with NASA.

The day continued with another panel, entitled “What’s Really Happening in Kurdistan?” with BBC journalist Jiyar Gol and Dr Mehmet Gurses of the Florida Atlantic University among the speakers.

Gol spoke about his recent visit to the Qandil Mountains where he had been filming a short documentary about women fighters in the PKK, and Gurses discussed the peace process in Turkey.

There was also an auction of works by young Kurdish artists, and the day ended with the performance by Kurdish rapper Rezan Jamal, who had travelled from Sweden. Proceeds and donations went to communities in Rojava, or Syrian Kurdistan.

The musical theme continued on the final day, with renowned Kurdish singer Chopy, who sang in both Kurdish dialects, giving a performance in the evening.

Celebrated Kurdish singer Diyar took to the stage to bring events to a close. Before starting his performance, he spoke about Rojava, and urged attendees to show their support and solidarity with Syria’s Kurds.

Heval Pektas, one of the organizers, was glowing about the festival.

“The 5th year of the Kurdish Youth Festival in the United States brought together Kurds from all corners of the world, sending a message of unity and support for Rojava. The highly productive event was a huge success that will provide a strong foundation for a Kurdish lobby in the years to come,” he enthused.