Textile mill provides jobs for refugee Kurdish women in Koye

The building of a textile mill in Koye in the Kurdistan Region gives an option for women and girls to be bread winners.

Azadi Camp provides shelter to Kurds from Iran, but unemployment is high in the camp.

Most in the camp are members of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI). The party actively targets the IRGC in the mountainous border regions between Iran and Iraq.

"My husband was martyred two years ago in the Kosalan fight," said Bahar Rostam. "I have three kids. They are grown up. They are studying. I am working to provide for our livelihoods."

The Vazhin Textile Mill was established by the Christian NGO AVC.

"Our aim is for women to work here and to help their families with their work here. At least 15 women will work here. We have found a company to buy their products," said Sacha Ernst, the head of AVC Switzerland.

More than 500 households live in Azadi Camp, established nearly 25 years ago.

Vazhin Textile Mill is the first to be established for the residents of the camp that has received little attention or aid.